Contribute to the Collective Breath
For several years now, various environmental factors have been attacking our respiratory system, such as smog, ambient air quality or days of extreme heat. Individuals with chronic lung disease and those suffering from lung cancer are at the highest risk.
I have enclosed this nickel in hopes of catching your attention. For several years now, various environmental factors have been attacking our respiratory system, such as smog, ambient air quality or days of extreme heat. Individuals with chronic lung disease and those suffering from lung cancer are at the highest risk. The Quebec Lung Association’s mission is to provide services to patients suffering from lung disease, assist their families and pursue scientific breakthroughs.
We are asking for your help to give Quebec a collective breath of fresh air. Your support will help those most at risk of developing complications from these environmental changes and those who have developed it and are living with the consequences.
The Quebec Lung Association will be able to better inform, listen to and support those who are most vulnerable thanks to your generous contribution. In addition to supporting cutting-edge research, your contribution to this emergency campaign will contribute to increasing the number of help lines available to handle more than 120 calls per day, improving the remote respiratory therapy services and the oversight and development of personalized exercise programs for patients.
For the past two years, the Quebec government has recognized us as an essential service, and as a result an important partner of ours is offering you the opportunity to TRIPLE your donation.
This initiative is part of a generous matching gift offer that is sure to inspire friends like you to contribute once again, in order to bring hope and comfort to the more than 3 million Quebecers who are plagued by these diseases.
That means that every dollar YOU donate, from now until July 22, will be tripled!
This offer expires on July 22, 2022, so do not miss this unique opportunity to triple your donation. Please send your most generous gift in the enclosed envelope today!
The Quebec Lung Association needs your help to the support Quebecers suffering from a respiratory disorder such as asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis (COPD), sleep apnea, pulmonary fibrosis or lung cancer.
Therefore, I am reaching out to you on behalf of the most vulnerable people who are and will be experiencing the most serious complications resulting from smog and poor air quality, as they need our support more than ever. Please visit our website at to donate or send us your cheque with the completed coupon.
Thank you
P.S. Your contribution today will be worth THREE TIMES as much. Your generosity will change lives.
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